Tri zlata i pehar za Aleksica na GSK World cup

Nas Nemanja Aleksic proglašen je za najboljeg kadetskog borca GSK World Cup-a u disciplini Gi nakon sto je osvojio zlato do 55 kg a zatim i pobijedio superfight meč protiv reprezentativca Amerike.

Potom, u disciplini No Gi,  Nemanja je osvojio zlato u kategoriji do 55 kg dok je porazen u Superfight meču od reprezentativca Amerike Lee-ja (brata cuvenih MMA sampiona Christiana i Angele Lee iz One FC).


*** At the GSK World cup in Split our Nemanja Aleksic has been awarded the title of the best cadet fighter in Gi division after winning -55kg weightclass and superfight match against and opponent from team USA.

In No Gi division Nemanja took gold in his weightclas But lost the Superfight against Lee from USA (brother of MMA champions of One FC Christian and Angela Lee).

